Reunited again, and more

Lots to cover here, I'll start with Canada Day ride from Chehalis to Bruceport.  Early start after a night disrupted by some of the shadier elements of chehalis (drug dealers, prostitution, and half-hearted law enforcement), I made my across the I5 towards the Willapa Valley Trail. Google maps suggested this route, I assumed it would be another 40 miles of broken shoulder and logging trucks.  Imagine my elation when:
Too good to be true, 40 miles of paved path???!!!?
Suddenly the saddle sores receded, my legs strengthened, my resolve steelededed.

The trail was crowded with locals on account of it being a Saturday:

The ashphalt turned to gravel after 5 miles but it was still smooth running.  An old railway line turned to muleti-use path, this had me thinking of the rails-to-trails effort back home. Sadly, and I'm looking at you Lake Country, the maintenance of the Willapa Trail deteriorated once I crossed countyu lines. 


The trail became unmanageable and I had to retreat to Hwy 6. Frustrated with no shoulder and heavy trwaffic, I returned to the trail but faced more obstacles.  

Ok, Hwy 6 it is. After a late lunch I climbed up to Bruceport County RV Park. After a long day it was refreshing to find FOUR other bike tourers at the campground. Paul from Chehalis, a 65 year old out for a weekend jaunt. Dannish, an Indo/American from the Bay Area who has cycled 120 miles that day on a tri-bike with tiny rack mounted on the rear carrying only a bivvy-sack and two bananas. Jelmer, a Dutchman on his way to Seattle via Atlanta. And Miriam, from Toronto, she started her tour in Victoria and was on her way to California.  Quite a rag-tag crew enjoying a can of Pringles on Canada's 150th.  

Which reminds me, I spent much of the 115km pondering the top 5 quintessential Canadian songs.  Here we go:

5. Wheat Kings, tragically hip
4. Hockey Song, stompin Tom
3. Four strong Winds, Ian and Sylvia
2. Acadian Driftwood, the band
1. Barrett's Privateers, Stan Rogers 
Agree? Disagree? Please post a comment below, what is your top 5?

Here's my tent:

I went to bed thinking what a joy it was to spend time on the road, meeting strangers, seeing the amazing scenery, and thinking about my family.  I also thought about my extended family, gathered in Edmonton where my cousin Jason had just received a diagnosis of leukaemia. 4 weeks of intensive chemotherapy before the doctors will give a prognosis. Joy and sadness, strikes and gutters, I guess it's important to just make the most of every opportunity handed in life.  Praying for Jay and family.  

I wondered what my family was doing on Canada day, so I hypothetically asked them:

Jonas: well Dad, basically we're just missing you.  Sitting around, wishing you were here. 
Ash: I love you so much Dad and miss you so much, I forgot it was even Canada day!
Ginette: Canada day isn't the same without you dear.  I love you 😍 
Rene & Huegette: who's brent? 

To be continued....


Anonymous said…
No "life is a highway" ???
Unknown said…
No, but I'm sure it's in the top 2000
Sook said…
Canadian Railroad Trilogy, Gordon Lightfoot? Not sure which one it pushes out.
Zoolander said…
Trwaffic. Lol.
English Bay by Blue Rodeo is very Canadian but too bad no one knows it.
Hey! Life is a Highway was second choice for my high school grad song, ok?
Too bad Forever Young by Rod Stewart won the vote, even though it had been
Grad of 92: Let's Stick With The Status Quo
Anyway, I suppose this is your blog so CONTINUED SAFE TRAVELS!
Anonymous said…

Read em' and weep...ya'll got no class; with the exception of my 1st pick:

1. Four Strong Wings - Superb cover by Bobby Bare (For those who love Canada)
2. Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Neil Young (For those who shed a tear in Canada)
3. All Hell for a Basement - Big Wreck (For those who have worked in Canada)
4. Tom Sawyer - RUSH (For those who would fight for Canada)
5. She ain't Pretty she just looks that way - Northern Pikes (For those who wise Canadians)
6. I would Give you everything - Skydiggers (For those whose heart was broken in Canada)
*dishonorable mention: Attention Whore - Deadmau5 (For the Canadian who hates diva Top 40)

In regard to your fanciful speculations as to what your family was thinking on Canada's Day of official autonomy and might i.e. this is what your family was thinking:

Jonas: well Dad, basically we're just missing you. Wishing you were here.

What the mighty Jonas was thinking was: Well Dad, basically...after this trip I will call you "The old man"...Currently, we are sitting around hoping that when I conquer Texas on my bike, you will be in the hospital having your appendix removed.

Ash: I love you so much Dad and miss you so much, I forgot it was even Canada day!

What the, illustrious author, was contemplating...was as follows:

I love you so much Dad; but I do not miss you. In fact, it was with great joy I was able to enjoy Canada Day without the fear of you forcing me write, and, to hop on a bike on a road to nowhere. July 01 was a much needed distraction from the heat-stroke, which still haunts me...which was on account of you, daddy.

Ginette: Canada day isn't the same without you dear. I love you 😍

What Ginette was truly musing upon was this:

Canada Day is not the same since my dear husband abandoned me, in front of my children, on the side of a desolate highway. I wish he would chase me! Instead he chases his hwy delusions of Oregon Trail grandeur...(sigh). Nevertheless, I love my Brent. After all, love is a choice.

Rene & Huegette: who's brent?

What this lovely couple was really thinking was:

May the fleas of 1,000 deer invade your biker-shorts, Brent!!! May the rouge coyotes bite your heels! Oh that you would lose your way and get lost in the middle of nowhere! May the world rejoice when we can truly declare with great relief: Who's Brent?


*prayers/petitions going out on behalf of Jason...all joking aside.

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