Reunited again, continued

July 2nd began with more instant oatmeal. But for something different, I was riding with Miriam(Toronto) south to Astoria and more importantly, meeting up with the fam at fort stevens state park. The kilometres were fairly easy, with Miriam pace setting up each hill.

Once again the scenery of Washington state did not disappoint.  Fried oysters for lunch, a coffee stop, and 5 hours in the saddle was enough to get us to astoria:

Miriam told me about warm, a website that connects weary cyclists with host families all around the world.  What a great concept!  I'm definitely going to try it out on the ride home. Miriam is an epidemiologist working for the WHO (maybe indirectly?) on the Zika virus.

I tried to explain my job.  Well it's administration, but not what you think, I'm building hospitals, no, not really building, more like, well, never mind.

If ever you have a chance to ride or drive the Astoria bridge, it's absolutely amazing.  Scary, beautiful, arduous, and so much fun.  [google image search the bridge, I wash too scared to stop for another crooked photo].

It's great meeting new people like this, especially for an introvert like myself.  But nothing beats family and boy was I glad to see them.  First shower then hugs all around, and three rest days in Astoria.

Campsite at Ohanapecosh

Ft Stevens State Park


But why male models?? said…
Terrific and inspiring reading. Now for the jokes:
1. Traveling with someone from Toronto must have been extra special.
2. Who's the GQ Summer Edition male model in the photos?
Anonymous said…

I am sorry; I got some serious competition!!
A hat-tip, applause and humble touche' to the pen behind: 'But why male models??'

Oh, man. I cannot beat that. Suffice to say:

1. I did not see anything resembling a male model
2. Now we know why Brent ditched his family

The Emperor needs to think things through...


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